9 PHP Frameworks for Web Development You Can't Ignore


As web development has developed as an industry, the range of frameworks and tools that developers can use to build apps has expanded significantly. While new PHP frameworks can be intimidating to learn at first, their functionality and ease of use make them well worth the investment of your time and energy. These nine frameworks are ones that you can’t ignore as you advance your web development career. In each case, we outline the benefits of each framework, along with some tips on where to find resources to get started learning it.


1) Laravel

Laravel is among the most popular PHP frameworks that offer complete packages with all the required parts. It includes almost everything from routing, templating, validation, querying and much more. The framework is built on top of another great framework called Symfony and it has a large community which can help you fix any hybrid app development services problem in a jiffy. It also offers strong support for testing so your application will always be in the best shape possible. If you are looking to build enterprise level applications then this is your go-to framework.


2) Symfony

Symfony is one of the most popular and powerful frameworks out there. It is an extremely modular framework that can help you with a lot of different things from routing to validation, from database access to templating. The main advantage is that it includes all the basic functionality that a developer needs in order to build an app or web site, so if you are planning on building something quickly with few changes, this might be the best choice for you.


3) Yii2

Yii2 is a MVC based framework that can be used for both backend and frontend development. It is designed to build dynamic web applications which use the model-view-controller architectural pattern. It is available in two versions: Yii and Yii2. The former is an older version of the framework, whereas the latter was rewritten from scratch in order to increase its performance and scalability, with better design principles such as object orientation, code reusability and loose coupling.


4) CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter was the first in a wave of lightweight, open-source frameworks that were designed with simplicity and speed in mind. It was created by EllisLab, a company that also develops ExpressionEngine and Joomla!. If you're looking for something simple and straightforward, this is an excellent option. For example, while they don't provide a database abstraction layer (also known as ORM), they do provide auto-loading to help you connect to external databases. Another advantage: because it's so lightweight, CodeIgniter will run just fine on shared hosting without bogging down your site or crashing your hosting provider's server!


5) Phalcon

Phalcon is a web framework written in C, inspired by Python. It has been released under the Apache 2.0 license and is in use on over 100,000 sites. The framework focuses on three important aspects of application development: performance, extensibility, and maintainability. In addition to being super-fast, the code is simple to read and write. There are no bulky dependencies; everything you need comes with the framework itself. The best part about it? They offer free support for all their users! We have used this framework before and have found it to be very versatile. If you're looking for an easy way to get started building your next website, we recommend giving Phalcon a try.


6) CakePHP

CakePHP is one of the most popular frameworks for building web applications. It has a very well-documented and straightforward code base, which makes it easy to maintain. The framework has many features such as an integrated ORM (object relational mapper), CRUD interfaces, support for scaffolding, and internationalization support. A downside to this framework may be its large size; since it's been around longer than others there are more files to download and install with this framework than some of the others on this list.


7) Slim Framework

Slim is a framework that is focused on providing the essentials in order to get your application off the ground quickly. It is not a full-featured framework, but it does provide some significant features such as: Routing, Middleware, and an extensible architecture to make it easy to build maintainable applications.


8) Zend Framework

Zend Framework is a scalable, open-source framework for the rapid development of web applications and enterprise software. It is widely used to build powerful web applications such as Facebook and Twitter. Zend Framework has an array of features including MVC support, XML/XSLT support, RESTful API abstraction and dependency injection container. With this robust and advanced PHP framework, you can easily develop complex enterprise level apps in lesser time. CodeIgniter: The CodeIgniter is one of the fastest and easiest frameworks that enables you to develop high-quality programs without any steep learning curve. If you are looking for a simple ­­­­­­­but powerful solution with less code than this is your ideal toolkit.


9) FuelPHP

FuelPHP is a fresh and agile framework that is designed to be adaptable to your needs. In addition, it supports all the latest PHP frameworks such as Symfony2, Zend2, CodeIgniter and Laravel. Like other frameworks in this list, it is open-source and free. As with any product or service, there are disadvantages to using FuelPHP. The documentation may not be up-to-date with current practices and can feel dated at times. Another disadvantage of FuelPHP is that it does not have many web developers or contributors on their team so there might not be enough support if you need assistance from their hybrid mobile app development community of users.



In the event that you're searching for a web advancement process, at that point your best option is to pick one of these frameworks. It's anything  but difficult to get your web design up and running with any of these frameworks. They are all tried and true, dependable and powerful. Regardless of whether you need a little or expansive framework, there is something out there to fit your needs.


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